
导读 【#休姆#】1、休姆(1711~1776年)2、Hume, David3、苏格兰哲学家、历史学家和经济学家。首部着作是重要的《人性论》(1739~1740),是他...


2、Hume, David




6、English version:


8、Hume, David

9、Scottish philosopher, historian, and economist. His first book, the important Treatise of Human Nature (1739-40), was his attempt to formulate a full-fledged philosophical system;

10、its initial reception was disappointing. His Essays Moral and Political (1741-42), was well received, and strongly influenced the economic thinking of his friend Adam Smith. His Political Discourses (1752) was followed by his huge History of England (5 vols., 1754-62). He conceived of philosophy as the inductive, experimental science of human nature. Taking Isaac Newton's scientific method as his model and building on John Locke's empiricism, he tried to describe how the mind works in acquiring knowledge. He concluded that no metaphysics is possible, that there can be no knowledge of anything beyond experience. He concluded that humans are more creatures of sentiment than of reason. He was led to question the objective validity of the concepts of substance and causal necessity and of the method of induction. His influence was widely felt. Immanuel Kant conceived his critical philosophy in direct reaction to Hume, and Hume was important in leading Auguste Comte to positivism. In Britain, Hume's positive influence is seen in Jeremy Bentham, who was moved to utilitarianism by Hume's Treatise, and more extensively in John Stuart Mill.



